Der Bestatter

Country & People/Short Film, Germany 2010

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He has been making a living from death since 1992: the man in his mid-forties carries out 300 funerals a year. His company has eight branches. In his hometown, he also owns a beverage store, a country store and the "Zum alten Kaufhaus" boarding house. He offers his customers an all-round care package. Those who wish to can sign a contract with him during their lifetime about the exact formalities of the funeral. A service that the elderly Uckermärkers take advantage of. Their children have left the sparsely populated district in search of work. This does not remain without consequences for the funeral culture. Clients are increasingly opting for cremation. In most cases, the funeral director himself delivers the eulogy. As a former teacher, he feels quite qualified to do so ... André Meier observes his everyday work.
15 min
FSK 12
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André Meier


André Meier

Original title:

Der Bestatter

Original language:



16:9 SD, Color

Age rating:

FSK 12

Audio language:
